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Friday, 2001-06-23, Fringilla : Pim still has trouble starting his Land-Rover. New battery time.
[WPT 021 -15.422675 28.283508 23-JUN-00 09:35 GMT 11:35 SAST Centre of Lusaka]
I'm sitting in the Rand-Lover, keeping an eye on the other Land-Rovers, while Rene is at the bank (again), Thandie is (of course :-) shopping, Pim and Manfred have disappeared. Writing these notes, and trying to find a camp site for tonight in the Lonely Planet. People in the street selling watches, jewellery, deodorant, dice, Kwatcha (dunno if it legal, and it's foolish to buy currency on the street anyway), ice suckers, much like Adderley Street in Cape Town. My notes read
People who say that Lusaka is not the same as / more dangerous than Cape Town haven't been to Cape Town for a while.
My cell phone gets a strong signal, but "Emergency Calls Only" -- I think they use a different network that's not compatible with Vodacom.
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We found this clothes market on the road between Lusaka and Kafue. I bought four T-shirts (K15000, R25). The clothes for sale here are donated by Europe for the needy people in Africa, but ends up being sold instead of given away.
[WPT 022 -15.851989 28.251305 23-JUN-00 12:25 GMT 14:25 SAST "Farm Stall"]
We stopped at some stalls next to the road where Elmari bought tomatoes.
The engine is idling higher than before, we are at +- 450m above sea level, Lusaka is at 1100m. The rear engine seal is still leaking oil, lots of it.
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[WPT 027 -16.537294 28.727982 23-JUN-00 16:15 GMT 18:15 SAST Eagles Rest]
Saturday, 2000-06-24, Eagles Rest :
Manfred wants to take the ferry from Kariba to Livingstone -- I remembered that we had investigated the option and that it would not work, but Manfred decides to investigate himself. Looks like Rene is going with him.
[WPT 029 -16.404771 28.729527 24-JUN-00 08:55 GMT 10:55 SAST Turn-off to Sandy Beach]
[WPT 030 -16.485543 28.664988 24-JUN-00 10:00 GMT 12:00 SAST Sandy Beach]
So, we set off into the bush, looking for a town called Changa.
Pim and Thandie buy a gi-normous pestle and mortar, I boggle at this because I know that their short-wheelbase Land-Rover is already pretty full. But Pim finds a place to store it, I assume it's in his house in Holland now, and probably unique in Europe too :-)
I hear a (new) strange noise, and investigate. Hmmm, the bolt holding the spring shackle to the chassis is broken. And this was a new bolt, well, new in Land-Rover terms, less than three years old. We decide it must have been the Sesheke road, I bum a long bolt off Pim and fix the thing.
The next strange noise is the exhaust rear hanger breaking off. Well, that's why I have a few pieces of baling wire wrapped around the front bumper, no?
Did you know that you can join the GPS antenna coax by twisting the wires together and wrapping it with masking tape? Well, I didn't think it would work either, but it does. Ama-zing! Will have to be more careful of low branches in future...
By 10:15 we were back down at 630m
[WPT 040 -16.098189 28.706573 25-JUN-00 11:20 GMT 13:20 SAST Back on tar]
OK, so we made it back to the tar road, and made it to Mazabuka with probably 5 litres of petrol left in the tank (the filling station at the Kafue junction didn't have fuel, of course...). I put in K60 000's worth, 24.1 litres.
[WPT 041 -15.856050 27.757768 25-JUN-00 13:35 GMT 15:35 SAST Mazabuka]
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The road from Mazabuka to Brook's farm outside Choma is tarred, relatively straight, and pretty good. |
Monday, 2001-06-26, Brook's Farm :
We make coffee, Pim is really missing his cigars. He promised Thandie that he'll stop smoking when he runs out, but now he's having second thoughts.
[WPT 044 -16.810107 26.983731 26-JUN-00 08:53 GMT 10:53 SAST Choma Tourist Centre]
I get 50l of fuel at K2598/l, more expensive than further north, strange. Choma is at 1355m, whereas Lusaka is at 1100. Kariba is waaay down at 460m.
I'm waiting for Elmari, Pim and Thandie who are shopping. A kid wants to sell me some peanuts. "No thanks", I say. "Books? Pens? Want to go to school" "Nope, sorry..." "Mother is dead, Father is dead, no food for 3 days" Eish, anything to convince a tourist to give you money. My notes read "E, P&T probably trying to buy the whole place again" :-)
The road from Choma to Livingstone is better and straighter than any other road we've had in Zambia. We stop for lunch at 14:20, we had rolls with cheese in the car but the road still has enough potholes to make cuppa soup a risky affair.
The engine is leaking lots of oil from the rear seal. I decide that I can put it in faster than it's leaking out, so we're still OK.
[WPT 046 -17.850933 25.856731 26-JUN-00 13:09 GMT 15:09 SAST Jolly Boys, Livingstone]
We had previously arranged to meet up with Manfred & co at Jolly Boys backpackers, so of course we go there, where we get the message that they had gone to the Waterfront, where we managed to catch up with them. The Waterfront is (surprise) on the river, with some really nice (but of course expensive) lodges. The campsites are not so nice, though, laid out for big overland trucks, with the toilets way over on the other side.
We head off to the falls, which are very nice from the Zambian side, recommended. We decide to go again the next day.
Tuesday, 2001-06-27, Livingstone :
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Elmari made bacon and eggs for breakfast. Some Capetonians
in an Isuzu check out Pim's landy, I tell them about
Pim's website, and the
Overland list.
We all had lots of shopping to do, so we headed off into town. First stop was the internet cafe next to Faulty Towers, where we each spent 1/4 of an hour checking email. Next stop was to try and get some money, I managed to draw US$ 434 on my credit card at the Barclays Bank. Very friendly people, I think I should get an FNB account before touring Africa again. |
So back in camp we move into Manfred's spot (they had had enough of Livingstone, since they got there a day before us). Went for sundowners at the lodge, ended up having supper. Ostrich steak, Tandoori chicken, Mosi. All of this for K56 000 (R140) + K25 000 (R62,50) for the drinks. Courtesy of my credit card.
Back in camp we find that the overland scourge have moved in. They ran out of space, so they pitched a tent right next to ours. And I mean right next to us. Blargh.
So I move our tent away, not in a good mood.
Of course, the next morning I had to fit the shackle bolt, and I made sure of using the biggest #1 tool, otherwise known as the BFH, at 07:00 in the morning. We depart wearing evil grins.
Wednesday, 2001-06-28, still Livingstone : We decide to visit the falls for a second time.
Reached town at 13:30. Elmari still shopping... :-)
So we eventually got everyone loaded up, reached Kazangula ferry at 14:50, boarded the ferry at 15:40 (busy day at the ferry, truck parked in the middle of the road, only one ferry running). Kazangula is closer to Livingstone than I thought, and I still had some fuel left (with the price of fuel in Zambia I obviously did not want to put in more than absolutely necessary).
16:05: Warthog feeding on the lawn in front of the customs post. No worries until...
... we reach the foot & mouth checkpoint. "What's that?" asks the man, pointing at Elmari's carefully wrapped, purchased in Livingstone, Zambian drum. "A drum", sez Elmari. "Not allowed, animal product", sez man. Much arguing ensues, until Elmari loses her cool, pumps herself up to her full 5'4½", and shouts at the fellow : "Jou MOER!". He backs down, we give him beer, and off we go.
Thursday, 2002-06-29, 08:50, Kubu Lodge :
So, we head of to Kasane for fuel. And encounter a road block along the way. And they want to see my international driving permit, first time I had to produce that on this trip.
Policeman asks where we're headed, we say "Kasane for fuel, then Maun", he says we can go to Maun via Kasane, "a vehicle like this can do it"... Fortunately the people at Nata lodge owe Pim money, so we can chicken out gracefully.
We fill up at Shell, P2.01/l, 64.4l, P129.44, odo reads 20082.
I manage to stall the engine, turn off the fan, restart the engine, and forget to turn the fan back on again. While I'm putting air into the tyres (2.3 bar rear, 2.1 front) one of the attendants asks why there's water coming out the front... foook! Engine is sitting at 110 degrees C, radiator is bulging, ready to explode. I turn the fan on in a real hurry. Try that with your aliminium head rice burner!
[WPT 056 -18.549289 25.626662 29-JUN-00 10:48 GMT 12:48 SAST Padamatenga]
15:00. Lunch break. Starter falls off (again) restarting the engine. Fixed by 10 past.
16:15. Stopped for Pim to fuel up from his jerrycans. He's still going on Zambian fuel from Livingstone. Economical little diesel, that. I'm down to 1/4 tank since filling up in Kasane, and it sounds as if I'm running on three cylinders. I make a note to check the ignition.
[WPT 058 -20.225616 26.265430 29-JUN-00 15:13 GMT 17:13 SAST Nata Lodge]
Friday, 2002-06-30, 09:15, Nata Lodge :
I clean the spark plugs, dizzy cap, etc, and set the timing statically. Next time, definitely bring the timing lamp. The plugs were way dirty, they probably add paraffin to the fuel in Zambia.
Pim is struggling to recalibrate his Botswana map to his GPS.
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We get fuel, I put in 223.081 liters, at a cost of P435.01, figuring that the fuel can only get more expensive further inland. Odo reads 20290. |
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12:50. We stop along the road to Maun for lunch. While we are looking at the hartebeeste in the distance, a bakkie comes past, two tannoy speakers on the roof, loud music. Strange people. |
[WPT 063 -19.977388 23.431558 30-JUN-00 13:38 GMT 15:38 SAST Maun, shopping centre]
We didn't get to see Baines baobabs, Elmari and Thandie did not feel like driving off-road. Manfred, Gisela and Joke is here. Everyone's shopping.
16:15. Thandie returns, Pim and Thandi goes off to snag a good camping spot if possible. Elmari is still shopping...
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