Big Bore Handgun Silhouettes

We shoot Big Bore Handgun Silhouettes at 50, 100, 150 and 200m, with open sights, and interesting guns1.

The bank on the left are standard Big Bore targets. I can’t hit those for shit2.

The ones on the right (look carefully) are Big Bore Unlimited targets. Apparently I can hit those quite well3.

Same day, same gun, hit more of the small ones than the big ones.

Yea, I don’t know how that happened either5.

1 In this case, a Thompson Contender in 300 Whisp-R, which is a damn nice round, and a damn nice gun, I got the barrel from Mike Bellm himself.

2 I only hit 24/40, while the winning score was 39/40. BUT! In my defense, this is the first time I was shooting after having cataract surgery to my left eye4 and my old sight settings were way off.

3 Got 32/40, which is a decent if not excellent score.

4 For my sins I am cross-dominant.

5 On the small bore side, I only shot a 28, which should have placed me maybe third or so. But the other people shot worse than I did. Sucks to be them.