Winter Kruger – Day 6

Decided to not mess around. Hooked the teardrop and headed south.

Ngotso North has often been good for us. It’s between the H1-4 and the Ngotso river, and something is always getting itself killed in the river, so we’ve often seen jackal and hyenas here.

The hyenas had a warthog head they were nomming on, the jackal was obviously hoping for a share.

Saw three Kori Bustard a bit further down the road, and then spotted a lion at Ngotso dam (which has also been really good for us in the past).

The cars were all clustered at the other end of the dam, yea, there were at least four more lion there. Couldn’t really jockey for position, towing the teardrop, so we left them there and then found this fellow up a tree not too far from the road.

(most of our photos have branches in the way)


Parked the teardrop at Lower Sabie, had a look at the sightings board (for what it’s worth) and took a chance.

And found the doggies, asleep in loose formation.

They sleep, then they wake up, then they are insanely happy to see one another again… and then they go off hunting.

We thought they might end up on the H4-2 and went that way to try to intercept them but that didn’t happen. Also, it was getting too dark.

Big five score for the day: 4/5 (again, no chubby unicorns)