Winter Kruger – Day 2

Day two was overcast and kind of dreary.

Here we are having breakfast and watching the lone Crested Barbet between all the opportunistic starlings at Lower Sabie at 10:30. We were out of the Skukuza gate at 0600, of course we were… but sometimes the first bird does not get any worms at all. So breakfast time it was.

After breakfast there was a commotion on the bridge. Hmmm, couple lions on the move.

I went wide, hoping to catch up with them, found some elephant, no lions. So we went back over the bridge, found some more elephant.

Brown-hooded Kingfisher.

So we went back to the bridge where more lions had come out the woodwork.

A female and two not-quite-cubs-anymore. Yea, hard to make them out. I like taking pictures like this one:

Tanya taking the shot above.

Drove around some more, found Kori Bustards and a Burchell’s Coucal.