The first reference I have to the Jones "Super-Gainer" is in the 4th Edition (1936) of the Radio Handbook for Amateurs and Experimenters edited by... Frank C. Jones.
It's a superhet with a 6C6 mixer, 76 VFO, 465 kHz IF, and 79 regenerative detector and audio amp.
By the 1946 10th Edition the design had evolved to use a 6K8 mixer / oscillator, 1550kHz IF, 6JS7 regenerative detector, and 6V6 audio amp.
In both cases coil data is supplied for 160m all the way down to 10m. The interesting thing about the latter design is that the oscillator coil gets moved to the antenna coil position with a new coil coming in for the oscillator, every time you move up a band. The 160m antenna and 10m oscillator coils are used on those bands only.
Meanwhile the ARRL came up with this Beginner's Receiver in 1941 (February QST). The design is very similar, with a 6K8 and a 6C8G dual triode. Half of another 6C8G is used as a separate BFO. There are two configurations, both with an IF at 1700kHz. The one is general coverage, with coils moving from oscillator to antenna like the design above, the other uses a 5MHz VFO with band imaging of the 3.5 and 7MHz bands (My 1948 ARRL handbook has this receiver on Page 100, with a 6SN7 and minus the BFO. My 1951 edition does not have it at all).
There was also this improved version with a slightly different tube lineup and a crystal in the IF for CW selectivity.
What's nice about the ARRL design is that it gives winding data for the IFT.
Based on all of this, as well as the Practical Wireless two valve receiver, I figure I can cobble something interesting together.
Function | Main (Grid) Coil | Tickler / Antenna Coil | |
A | 1 750 - 2 050 kHz Mixer | 58t #24 closewound on 1 1/2" form padded with 50pF mica | 14t #24 closewound at ground end spaced 1/4" from main winding |
B | 1 750 - 2 050 kHz Oscillator 3.5 - 4.0 MHz Mixer | 42t #22 closewound on 1 1/2" form tap 20t from ground end | 9t closewound 1/16" from main winding |
C | 3.5 - 4.0 MHz Oscillator 7.0 - 7.3 MHz Mixer | 20t #22 spread over 1 1/2" on 1 1/2" form tap 12t from ground end | 8t closewount 1/8" from main winding |
D | 7.0 - 7.3 MHz Oscillator 14.0 - 14.4 MHz Mixer | 11t #22 spread over 1 1/4" on 1 1/2" form tap 5t from ground end | 6t closewound 1/8" from main winding |
E | 14.0 - 14.4 MHz Oscillator 28 - 30 MHz Mixer | 5 1/2t #22 spread over 1" on 1 1/4" form tap 3t from ground end | 4t closewound 1/16" from main winding |
F | 21.0 - 21.5 MHz Oscillator | 4 1/2t #22 spread over 1" on 1 1/4" form tap 1t from ground end | 2t closewound 1/16" from main winding |
G | 21.0 - 21.5 MHz Mixer | 6t #22 spread over 1" on 1 1/4" form | 3t closewound spaced 1/16" from main winding |
H | 28 - 30 MHz Oscillator | 3t #22 spread over 1" on 1 1/4" form tap 1 1/2t from ground end | 2t closewound spaced 1/16" from main winding |
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