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Yaesu FT-207R

The FT-207R is Yaesu's first microprocessor controlled VHF FM handheld transceiver (the FT-203 has a PLL but no microprocessor and the FT-202 runs on crystals). The microprocessor is of course very basic, but it allows all kinds of features like four memories, a priority channel, and scanning. The display is a tiny 5 digit seven segment Hewlett-Packard 5082-7415 reminiscent of an early digital watch.

diodes for Models A and E144.0-147.99 MHz, 10kHz step
diodes for Model B144.0-145.9875 MHz, 12.5kHz step
diodes for Model C144.0-147.9875 MHz, 12.5kHz step
diodes for Model D144.0-145.99 MHz, 10kHz step

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