Vegetable stew with aubergine and baby marrows, making it ratatouille :-) This should work with pretty much any vegetables you have in the 'fridge.
Starting with the obiquitous flat bottomed black pot, gently heat garlic in some oil. Add chopped onion & soften. Add diced vegetables, starting with aubergine at the bottom and ending off with baby marrows and mushrooms on top.
When the aubergine's generated some water, stir in the stock powder, salt, pepper, whatever.
When the squash and parsnip is soft, the pot's done. Serve with cous-cous.
Most of these measurements are approximate, do what looks and feels right, it's the only way to cook.
Put the flour & pepper in a bowl, add the beef bit by bit, shake to cover with flour.
Fry bacon (tip : slow frying makes magical bacon). Remove.
Put the beef cubes in the pot, spaced out (you probably need to do half the beef at a time). Slowly brown the meat. Turn the cubes over once the bottom side is nice and crunchy. Remove beef from pot.
Melt the butter and slowly caramelize the onions. Add the mushrooms and fry. Add carrots and turnips. Deglaze pot with red wine. Cut bacon into bits with scissors and add to pot. Also add beef.
Sprinkle stock powder into pot and add water. Bring to boil & simmer. Add cinnamon, bay leaves, bouquet garni,Worcestershire, whatever floats your boat.
When you think this is about half done, add the butternut.
When you think it's almost done, start boiling the potatoes in a separate pot with some salt (I'm really writing this recipe for a bachelor-type audience, no?)
When the potatoes are cooked, make mash, serve.
Mix spices in mixing bowl, add meat, toss, let sit.
Heat some lard, slowly brown both ends of the shallots, remove.
Brown the mushrooms, remove (add tarragon)
Slowly fry the bacon, add the meat, brown. Add carrots.
Add garlic, tomato paste, fry short time
Add flour, make roux
Add wine and water to taste. Add stock cube.
Slow for 1/2 hour, start potatoes, make mash, serve.
This one is my interpretation of a recipe off As always, use a flat black pot.
Caramelize onions on low heat. While that's going, Liberally sprinkle pork chops with cayenne pepper, a bit of salt, paprika if you want to, and herbs.
When onions are caramelized (two or three beers later), remove from pot, and brown the pork chops on both sides. Layer onions, sweet potatoes, and apples. Sprinkle with sugar, black pepper and salt.
Cover and bake for 1 hour at 180 degrees C.
I normally cook baby carrots and brussel sprouts on the side, and serve this with mash.
Mix 1/4 cup olive oil, 4 cloves garlic, 1 tablespoon paprika, 1 teaspoon cumin, and 1/2 a teaspoon red pepper flakes.
Mix 1 teaspoon of this mixture with 1/2 cup plain yoghurt, stick it in the fridge for a bit.
Drain a tin of chickpeas, stick it in an oven proof dish or deep baking sheet, balance six or so chicken thighs on top of this
(the recipe I stole this from used breasts, you can also use
a whole spatchcocked chicken, whatever works) and brush with about half
the oil mix. Toss about two cups of cherry tomatoes with the rest of the oil mix and layer on top of the chicken. Add some dhania if
you have, salt and pepper. Oven at 180 for 20 minutes or so, serve with the yoghurt mix from the fridge and more dhania.
Season the chicken pieces with salt & pepper and whatever
else you like (I often lean towards cayenne pepper).
In the ubiquitous flat black pot, fry the onion in a bit of
oil until glossy. Add the mushrooms and apple and fry till
brown. Reduce the heat a bit and stir in the curry powder
and paprika (if you don't like paprika, replace with flour.
This thickens to make a sauce). Stir for about a minute,
stir in the stock, and bring to a boil. Remove from heat
and from pot.
Fry the chicken until golden
brown, then arrange flat in the bottom of the pot. Stir the cream
into the sauce and pour over the chicken pieces. Bake for an
hour at 180 degrees C.
I normally serve this with a green salad and fresh bread.
Rice also goes well.
This one might be a bit bland for some, but it's quick and
easy and I like it...
Mix soy sauce, ginger and sugar in a bowl.
Fry onions in some oil (yes, in a flat black pot) and add
the pork, fry until pork is basically done. Add cabbage
and soy sauce mixture, stir until cabbage is tender.
Serve on rice or mash.
Kinda Moroccan Chicken
Chicken Curry Casserole
Pork & Cabbage
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