The 6502 Firmware Page
This site is mostly about the firmware -- software in ROM -- that
came with the original Apple II, not the II+, IIe, IIc, or IIgs. The
original Apple II had 4K of RAM and 8K of ROM. The ROM contains software,
such as the Monitor and Integer BASIC, appropriate for a SBC.
Red Book refers to the original Apple II Reference Manual dated 1978.
WOZPAK refers to the WOZPAK II,
a publication by Call-A.P.P.L.E., an Apple II user group.
DDJ refers to Dr. Dobbs Journal, a computer magazine.
IA refers to Interface Age, a publication of the
SCCS (Southern California Computer Society).
SYM and AIM refer to early 6502 single board computers.
Apple II
- Apple II ROM (12KB binary)
- Memory map of the Apple II ROMs
- Summary of Monitor Commands
- Red Book Monitor listing
- Woz on Integer BASIC
- Integer BASIC disassembly
- Red Book Sweet-16 listing
- WOZPAK Sweet-16 article by Steve Wozniak
- WOZPAK Sweet-16 article by Dick Sedgewick
- Red Book Mini-Assembler listing
- Red Book Floating point listing
- WOZPAK Floating point routines description
- DDJ Floating point article
- IA Floating point article
- Using 6502 Assembly Language by Randy Hyde
- ProDOS 8 Technical Reference Manual
- Apple Assembly Line:
October 1980,
November 1980,
December 1980,
January 1981,
February 1981,
March 1981,
April 1981,
May 1981,
June 1981,
July 1981,
August 1981,
September 1981,
October 1981,
November 1981,
December 1981,
January 1982,
February 1982,
March 1982,
April 1982,
May 1982,
June 1982,
July 1982,
August 1982,
September 1982,
October 1982,
November 1982,
December 1982,
January 1983,
February 1983
Questions or comments? Email me at:

- 2000-09-01 -- Added AIM BASIC Language Reference Manual
- 2004-07-12 -- Added PL/65 manual and disassembly
- 2004-07-13 -- Added Woz notes on Integer BASIC and disassembly
- 2004-07-14 -- Added Apple Assembly Lines Oct80-Feb83
- 2004-07-18 -- Added ProDOS 8 Technical Reference Manual
- 2004-07-27 -- Added Randy Hyde's 6502 book