Three years

Change is a constant.  For the young, without a frame of reference, change is the normal state and is readily accepted as such — whatever is new is inherently better than whatever is old — new things and new ideas, at least new to youth, are quickly adopted by the young as their reality. But after we’ve lived for a time — once we’ve established a frame of reference — we begin to see that many changes are not new things but merely old things wearing a new coat of paint — someone keeps stirring the pot, the same old potatoes come to the top and sink again. Old potatoes are always “New!” or “Improved!” according to the people who sell them, and eagerly gobbled up by the kiddies because of it.

In time, we come to realize another constant in our lives is people trying to sell us old potatoes. Discovering we’ve been duped often leaves us bitter. When we reach that point we begin to view new things — and all forms of change — with suspicion. We cleave to what we know. What was shining and new and instantly embraced in our youth becomes the good, old-fashioned stuff of middle-age. It is our security blanket, a bulletproof vest against the missiles of a changing world. It is also the seed from which grows the tree of ignorance.

The wiser course is to test new things against our store of experience, adopting what is good, discarding what is bad but always with tolerance. Some bad things will always be wildly popular among our youth simply because they lack the frame of reference defining those particular evils. Merely telling them something is bad does little good — it lumps us with the sellers of old potatoes. There are some lessons each generation must learn on their own, a Rite of Passage between childish play and adult responsibility. Each generation must eat its share of old potatoes.

— Bob Hoover, 1939 – 2010

Slow cooker eland chili

Being the second of two completely coincidentally very similar recipes.

Still the same eland shin, defrosted in water.

The recipe is from Perry’s Plate. For this one I used some stock I made a while ago, using quite a lot of green and yellow bell peppers. And I used cocoa powder instead of chocolate chips.

Again, I had to reduce the sauce at the end. I’m still a bit nervous about the slow cooker boiling dry (which I’m pretty sure it won’t) so I add too much liquid as a rule.

Slow cooker eland tomato bredie

Being the first of two completely coincidentally very similar recipes.

The basis for all of this is some eland shin (skenkel), off the bone. I bought half an eland cow from a friend, and while having a freezer full of eland is a Good Thing (TM), we also have to eat most of it before I can fit some gemsbok in there.

To defrost the meat, I soaked in in water (with a bit of vinegar added) for 24 hours. This draws out the blood, makes the meat less “wild” apparently. Then I basically followed the standard recipe,  i.e. dusted the cubed meat in flour, browned it in the black pot, stuck it in the slow cooker along with tomatoes and a bit of chili and spices and Worcestershire and so forth, and let it go all day on low.

Got home, diced some potatoes quite small, separated the sauce with a slotty spoon and boiled the potatoes in the sauce until done, then recombined the whole lot. I might have added some Maizena too.

Fried Chicken

Some time ago we were watching So You Think You Can Cook Top Chef and they were making fried chicken… sounded interesting, so we tried it.

At the moment my recipe is converging to something between My Mother-in-Law’s Buttermilk Fried Chicken and Crispy Fried Chicken.

Start with chicken on the bone. This is important. Drumsticks and thighs work for me. Salt and pepper and marinate in buttermilk for as long as you can — all day or 15 minutes if it’s all you have.

Next up, remove the chicken pieces and put them down to drain some of the buttermilk off, before dredging them in flour with pepper, salt and about two tablespoons paprika added. Next time there will be cayenne pepper in there as well. Leave the chicken in the flour for a while so that the flour absorbs the buttermilk, giving you a sort-of batter around the chicken.

Meantime, you need to heat up your oil. 170°C is what you’re aiming for. A candy thermometer is essential here — too cold and your chicken comes out greasy, too hot and you have the excitement of an indoor fire. Fry the chicken in batches, six minutes a side. I found it works to fry two pieces, turn them over and add two more pieces, remove the first two pieces, turn the second two pieces over, add two more pieces…

Put the fried chicken on a baking tray (I used paper towels, but this sticks to the chicken, next time I’ll put the chicken on a rack over the baking tray) and when all the pieces are fried, pop it into your 180°C oven for half an hour.

Meanwhile, steam your veggies, boil your potatoes, make mash.


Springbok Curry, Slow Roast Pork Belly, and Eisbein

The new hunting season is on us, and I still had this hunk of springbok thick flank left in the freezer from last year (crappy photo, I know). About 800, 900 grams.

Marinaded it in yoghurt overnight, then mostly followed this recipe.

Started with one large diced onion, two small grated carrots, a not-so-chili pepper from the garden, and a packet of cherry tomatoes. Added to this some chili sauce, ginger and garlic, and after it had all cooked to a bit of a mush, some extra spicy curry powder,  garam masala and cumin.

Transferred the sauce to the slow cooker, added the diced springbok on top, covered with water, added peppercorns, turned on the slow cooker and walked away.

I didn’t want the curry to be too hot, it being springbok, but in hindsight I could probably have added a bit more spice.


In other news, this recipe for slow roasted pork belly sounded interesting.

Score the skin, add five spice and salt, stick it in the oven at 150°C for 2 or 3 hours over a pan of water. Crank up the grill at the end to crisp up the skin.


And while you have the grill all fired up…

Follow this recipe where you basically get hold of an eisbein, cook it for a few hours, then stick it under the (same) hot grill to crisp the skin.