
Addo 2024

So we stayed over in Addo Elephant Park for two nights on our way home from Kruger.

We saw elephants and warthogs (lots of elephants, lots of warthogs), zebra, hartbees, kudu, jackal, a lone hyena… all the normal stuff.

This one had found something to eat. Couldn’t make out what it was though.

And then on the morning we were preparing to leave, we took a drive first. And Tanya spotted this fellow.

We drove around the other side to see if we can get a better view, couldn’t, did see a Chanting Goshawk and a Secretary Bird.

On our way back to camp we spotted more jackal.

So we hooked the teardrop and went back to where we left the chubby unicorn, because by now the light was better.

And then we proceeded on through the park, over the rather steep hills where they don’t allow busses or caravans (but we drove it the previous day and figured the teardrop won’t be a problem).

At Lismore we found a roadblock down the side (loop) road, where I couldn’t really go because teardrop. Can’t turn around easily and I didn’t know what that road looked like. But we managed to spot the two lions (out of a possible six) from the main road.

Big five score for the day: 4/5 (no leopard, but there was close to zero chance of that).

Here’s a video Tanya took of that big fellow at the beginning of this post.