
I hate Marko

I hate Marko*.

He blogrolled Crystal, and I liked her writing so much that I’m now wasting a considerable amount of time reading her blog from the bottom up.

Start with the Crazy Chronicles, or at some random point.

Oh, and they also did some home renovation (note — if you’re on the prude-ish side or easily shocked you might want to not read Crystal’s blog).

* Note that this is just the manly way to say “I love Marko to bits and will read everything he writes and everybody he blogrolls, because he so just rocks”.

Feed a cold, starve a fever?

… or is it the other way ’round? Nobody seems to be sure. I picked up a sore throat from a colleague, and working in the bloody cold (unfurnished) house in uncommonly cold (for Cape Town, it was 6 degrees in Tokai at 08:30 this morning) weather certainly doesn’t help.

I’ve always figured that it’s important to listen to your body, and right now mine is saying “feed me“, so that’s what I’m doing.

On the progress side of things, Frank’s been paving. Looking good.

I’ve been plumbing in the master bathroom, lots of work with little visible progress.

We got quotes for carpeting Jessica’s room (black-with-white-spots Superweave) as well as the living room and hall (matching colour-to-be-determined Tuscany) — just over R10K, which is about what I anticipated.

And the kitchen guys finally gave me a believable (in terms of what they think I need) quote, so I dumped R18K into their bank account, delivery (CKD, in other words, Some Assembly Required) in two weeks’ time. But that excludes the countertops and some other strategic bits I will still need.

Variable Star

Book Review

Variable Star is described as a book by Robert A Heinlein and Spider Robinson.


It’s a Spider Robinson through and through.

And better for it.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m a die-hard Heinlein fan. He shaped large parts of who I am. But Spider is better.
