
Busy, but not in a good way.

Some internationally known damn fool goes and shoots his slightly less but still internationally known extremely photogenic girlfriend on Valentine’s Day and the email starts ringing off the hook.

So far I’ve been quoted in the Metro newspaper, Time Magazine and Global Post.

Edit: And CNN (2012-02-25)

In the mean time, the campaigns for victim disarmament are claiming that only the police should have guns (really? Are you kidding?) and that “Very few people successfully use firearms to defend themselves” (really?).

For once I am in perfect agreement with Pierre de Vos:

Meanwhile another women is dead today. Because Oscar Pistorius is famous, I fear that many of us (including many in the media) will forget this. Oscar is not dead. Reeva Steenkamp is. We should not forget that. Neither should we forget that many women are abused or killed by their partners every day.

Chicken Paprikash, again

This time, a different recipe from last time. The same excellent results, though.

It was the two of us, so, four thighs. Black pot, as always.

Salt and pepper and some chicken rub, let that soak a while, then browned it in some melted butter.

I ended up pouring a lot of fat off, so I’d say the butter wasn’t needed. Next time I might make a roux, call it gumbo paprikash.

Remove the chicken, sauté an onion (two if you’re using more chicken), when it’s nice and translucent, add two tablespoons decent paprika and a good teaspoon cayenne pepper, more if you’re brave. Deglaze with a bit of white wine, add stock (I used about 250ml homemade chicken stock), put the chicken back in, cook with the lid mostly on for half an hour.

I had some mushrooms kicking around so those went in about halfway through.

When the chicken looks done, remove, turn off the gas (you cook with gas, right?), add 1/2 a cup creme fraiche.  This makes a sauce that goes really well with mash (oh yes, you were supposed to cook potatoes and veggies on the side. Stick it in the steamer and on the plate when you put in the mushrooms).



Back when Obama was first elected, the American public kicked their gun and ammo purchases into high gear. CCI alone was shipping 12 million primers a week, trying to catch up with their “billions” backorder.

And then Obama got re-elected, the Sandy Hook tragedy went down, and Obama started shooting Skeet.

Seems that the people were relatively calm until this bullshit pic was released (with a request to not photoshop it. R U kidding? Is Internet. “Don’t” is short for “Do it immediately damnit!”)

The problem with four letter words being ubiquitous in our society is that one lacks words to express the absolute crazy. It’s like Jeremy Clarkson trying to explain just how fast the latest land-jet is. They ripped those gun purchases out of high gear and straight into a new gearbox. With a supercharger. And afterburners.

From Doug (along with the picture above):

Smith & Wesson-is running at Full capacity making 300+ guns/day-mainly M&P pistols. They are unable to produce any more guns to help with the shortages.

RUGER: Plans to increase from 75% to 100% in the next 90 days.

FNH: Moving from 50% production to 75% by Feb 1st and 100% by March 1. Remington-Maxed out!

Armalite: Maxed out.

DPMS: Can’t get enough parts to produce any more product.

COLT: Production runs increasing weekly…bottle necked by Bolt carrier’s.

LWRC:Making only black guns, running at full capacity…can’t get enough gun quality steel to make barrels.

Springfield Armory: Only company who can meet demand but are running 30-45 days behind.

AMMO: Every caliber is now Allocated! We are looking at a nation wide shortage of all calibers over the next 9 months. All plants are producing as much ammo as possible w/ of 1 BILLION rounds produced weekly. Most is military followed by L.E. and civilians are third in line.

MAGPUL is behind 1 MILLION mags, do not expect any large quantities of magpul anytime soon.

RELOADERS… ALL Remington, Winchester, CCI & Federal primers are going to ammo FIRST. There are no extra’s for reloading purposes… it could be 6-9 months before things get caught up.

And from Bob:

It really hit me when I realized that the World War-era M1 Garands , M1 carbines, and Enfield .303s were gone, along with every last shell. Ubiquitous Mosin-Nagants—of which every gun store always seems to have 10-20—were gone. So was their ammo. Only a dust free space marked their passing. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Every weapon of military utility designed within the past 100+ years was gone. This isn’t a society stocking up on certain guns because they fear they may be banned. This is a society preparing for war.

This is going to impact shooters worldwide, if it isn’t already*. Primers and ammo — we get a lot of stuff from Europe, S&B, Fiocchi, Russian 22 — but that’s likely to be diverted to the US market too. The local agents are assuring us that the current orders will be filled, but once that’s gone, I see a two year drought coming.

Commencing operation stocking up.

* I’m trying to get hold of a few Thompson Contender G2 frames. It’s a single shot target handgun — useless for self defense, and highly unlikely to be banned — but it goes “bang” and as a result the distributor is back-ordered.

“Recoil was brisk but manageable”

I’ve been shooting high-end 45 Colt loads* in my Freedom Arms revolver, because that’s the only brass I had. Until today — I finally found some pukka factory 454 Casull ammo.

Hornady 300 grain XTP at 1650 fps claimed muzzle velocity. I didn’t get a chance to chrony the actual velocity though. Price was good — RRP is something like $35 / box in the ‘states, and I got these for R350, and that includes 14% VAT (current exchange rate is about R9/$ but these were probably brought in at closer to R8/$).

Acceptable Combat Accuracy…

I shot five shots, then played with my M30PK 9mm a bit. After that I invited one of our range officers to shoot the thing, his shot was the topmost on the above target. After some persuasion, the range officer in training then made that hole in the bottom corner… he certainly did not bring his part.

I finished the cylinder. Shots are all low because notice the front sight? It’s taller since the gun shoots way high with the abovementioned 45 Colt load.

This isn’t really a gun for standing. The barrel is way too heavy, very difficult to hold the sights steady. And the trigger is fairly light, which is good for Creedmoor but not so much for standing.

Edit, Monday morning. Well, I can certainly feel my wrist this morning. This is not a gun for a lazy afternoon of plinking, at least not with full power ammo.


*  255 grain cast bullet chronied at 1160 fps — factory spec for a 255 grainer is just under 1000 fps. The same bullet can be persuaded to clock around 1600 fps in a 454 Casull.


How long do they think they can get away with this?

Johannesburg – The Jaguar XF driver who crashed into a house in Lyttelton this week has been given a written warning, Pretoria police said on Friday.

The answer, of course, is that they think they can get away with it forever.

One set of rules for “them”, another set of rules for the servants who pay their taxes so dutifully.

The more important question is whether the servants will allow them to continue operating like this. Because that will determine whether this country flourishes or goes to shit like so many other African countries.


Willis Eschenbach nails it

The National Energy Regulator, NERSA, is holding public hearings on why Eskom should not more than double the cost of electricity in the next five years*. If anybody’s input is taken seriously, that would be a first for these kind of things**… or maybe I’m just cynical.

The difference between rich and poor, between developed and developing, is the availability of inexpensive energy. A kilowatt-hour is the same amount of work as a hard days labor by an adult. We’re rich because we have (or at least had) access to the hardworking servants of inexpensive energy. We have inexpensive electrical and mechanical slaves to do our work for us.


H/T to Claire.

* Because somewhere after 1994 they decided that maintenance was not as important as shiny new BMWs, so that got pushed out a bit until the system started breaking, and now they have to work overtime to catch up to where we were.

** There is a requirement for public consultation in all processes like this. There is however no requirement for actually taking said consultation seriously.

The Last Supper

… was a stirfry.

Pretty damn good, too.

It was good knowing all of y’all, and you have yourself a great End of the World.

Blast from the past

Some Capetalk listener mentioned simfy. So I’m investigating their free trail.

On one of their playlists, I discovered a song I learned on my daddy’s knee car back seat.

(You hafta click here ‘cos fscked if I know how the cool kids embed Youtube in WordPress)

The gal rocked.