So the kid complains that the indicator lights on the one side of the Opel / Vauxhall Meriva stays on all the time. This is a well known problem, there’s a dual relay and the contacts burn and stick.
So I open the box up and give her a stick and show her where to beat the relay into submission lightly tap the relay with a stick to make the stuck contact release. Problem being that once that’s done, if you then lock the car the indicators flash and guess what? Yup, bloody thing sticks again.
Google tells me you can get a new one for under 15 Sterling, which at the current exchange rate is around three hundred rands if you hurry (the rand seems to be heading south a bit faster than normal right now). But there’s shipping on top of that and it takes a while so let’s see…
<ring> <ring> “Opel spare parts, how may I help you?”
Me: “Yea hi I need an indicator relay for a Meriva, part number 09 134 880”
Them: “Yes sir, we have those in stock, one thousand seven hundred and twenty rands”
Me: “You Have Got To Be Shi, I mean, Surely that cannot be the case my good man?”
Them: “Oh yes sorry, my mistake, make that one thousand seven hundred and ten rands”
Me: “Kthanksbyeclick”
Not being a millennial, I do have some tools and spare parts. For VERY large values of “some”. This for example is my box of spare relays.

These ones look like just the thing.

Yup, it works. Cover doesn’t fit back on again, but it will with some surgery if required. I am not too concerned.

The kid’s father is coming down from the UK in two weeks’ time and he’ll bring down the Real Thing but in the mean time this will do. Very Nicely. R1710. Fsck.