I (mis)spent a lot of my youth in various cafe's playing arcade games - Space Invaders, Galaxians, and the like. The last game I remember from that era is Dragon's Lair, which I didn't like at all. I guess I grew out of it after that. I recently started playing MAME, and rediscovering old friends. MAME *rocks* :-)
The problem, of course, is that I'm in sunny South Africa, home of biltong, boerewors, and generic arcade cabinets. Because of high shipping costs, machines are kept running for much longer than would be the case in the USA. When the cabinet wears out, a new one gets built locally. Also, with the exception of the newests games, pirated game boards are available at about 2/3 of the price of the genuine article. These boards are imported from the east and built into the locally manufactured cabinets. As a result, our local arcades look something like: Pic #1, Pic #2, and Pic #3 (That's a Bartman in Pic 3, bootleg Pacman with hacked graphics).
So, as you can see, I will have to build by own cabinet from scratch. This, also, has been done before, Kevin Umbach built a really awesome Defender cabinet based on the dimensions that Brien King put up on his web page (look under "Restoration Data"). I've always liked Galaxians, so my cabinet will be a Galaxians/Pac Man/Galaga (Bally/Midway) look-alike, with a vertical monitor and a removeable control panel. (Update 2001-12-05: There's a difference between a Galaxians cabinet and a Galaga cabinet. Galaxians and Pac Man are the same. Galaga and Ms Pac Man are the same.)